Tag: Fun Food

Chocolate Covered Halloween

Chocolate Covered Halloween

Chocolate is amazing on any holiday and with all the candy on Halloween, it often gets forgotten when it comes to chocolate covered treats. Well, we always remember our sweet chocolate covered goodies for any holiday and Halloween is no different. Here are some of 

4th of July Food and Drinks

4th of July Food and Drinks

Celebrate America with some festive treats and drinks. Just like any other holiday we love to add a special touch to our celebrations with festive foods. For our neighborhood 4th of July party we made some fun little snacks and delicious non-alcoholic drinks. Let’s start 

Spider Pizza Bites

Spider Pizza Bites

Turn biscuits into spider pizzas with pizza sauce, olives, and cheese. This simple and cheap snack is fun for all ages. Ingredients: Biscuit Dough, Shredded Cheese, Pizza Sauce, Olives. Place biscuit dough on a cookie sheet covered with foil. Spread some pizza sauce on each 

Halloween Food Bloopers

Halloween Food Bloopers

You always see the great food projects people come up with all over the internet and social media. Well, I wanted to share some of mine along the way. This is my Halloween Food Ooopppppssss… I was trying to turn cinnamon rolls into bones and 

Chocolate Halloween Bark

Chocolate Halloween Bark

Who doesn’t love chocolate? This Halloween recipe is easy and so yummy. Melted chocolate with sweet treats inside. Yes! Topping Ingredients for this Halloween Bark: Start by melting your chocolate (Milk or dark chocolate, depending on what you prefer) and then pour it onto a 

Hot Dog Mummies & Zombies

Hot Dog Mummies & Zombies

Nothing funner than serving up some festive foods. In the spirit of Halloween, I made some easy Hot Dog Mummies and Zombie that they just loved and gobbled up. Ingredients: Start by opening your crescents dough (or whatever dough you choose to use), and lay 

Candy Corn Waffles

Candy Corn Waffles

Fun, Festive, Candy Corn Waffles. Layers of colors to make waffles resemble the Halloween favorite, Candy Corn. Simply divide your batter into three different bowls and add orange food coloring to one bowl and yellow to another. Leave one regular. Pour the batter into the 

Halloween Waffles

Halloween Waffles

My son, Michael, has grown into a little chef. Recently, I have been playing around in the kitchen and coming up with new fun things for Halloween foods and he got inspired. He asked to make waffles and the next thing I knew, we were 

Homemade Halloween Goodies

Homemade Halloween Goodies

This post is a compilation of some homemade goodies that I made over the years for my kids’ class parties. I have always loved getting creative in the kitchen for the festives but I wasn’t always great at the photographing of food so I apologize