Fun with Peeps

Fun with Peeps

Peeps are a traditional Easter candy and a great sweet treat to get creative with.

Dip a lollipop stick in some melted chocolate and insert at the bottom of a peep. Dip the entire peep into chocolate and place a mini marshmallow as the tail.

Dip the bottom of peeps into melted chocolate and sprinkle some festive candy sprinkles on the chocolate while it is still wet.

Place various fruits on a kabob stick with a cute peep in the middle! Mostly healthy and super fun for the kids!

Place a small glass inside of a larger vase. Add peeps around the outer edge of the inner glass but inside the larger vase. Fill inner glass with water and insert your flowers.

Fun and Festive Easter Food Ideas -

Grab some twinkies, pretzels, candy and Peeps and create your own Peep Car. Fun project the kids can eat!

Fun and Festive Easter Food Ideas -

Add a peep to a straw and use with your favorite drink!

Make some yummy cupcakes and add some green frosting. Place a peep on the top and some jelly beans for the eggs. Then….eat and enjoy!

9 Easter DIY Ideas -

Create some cute goodie bags for classmates or events. Add graham crackers, a mini Hershey bar and some peeps. A peep smore in a bag!

Hopefully we have inspired you to get creative this Easter with your festive peeps in all colors. If you have tried something fun with peeps, please share your pictures in the comments below and inspire others.

Happy Peeping…

13 thoughts on “Fun with Peeps”

  • I love fun activities with kids. It is really fun to create something crazy funny and cute. Easter is a great reason for family crafts and homemade snacks. Thank you for your ideas.

  • Your recent post about having fun with Peeps was really interesting. I loved the vase one. I’m curious, have you tried any other fun activities with Peeps? Looking forward to reading more from you!

  • These are such fun ideas with Peeps! Not to mention super cute. It’s perfect for Easter and my favorite are the Twinkie cars! Beep, beep! 🙂


  • I love how you gathered all of these fun ways to use peeps for Easter. The cars one is so adorable!!! I’ll be bookmarking this and coming back closer to Easter. Thanks for the inspirations!

  • Ha, these are pretty fun ideas. I haven’t come across peeps before. They sound like they’d be something my kids would love. I think the fruit peep kabobs are a great idea. That way I’d get the kids to eat some fruit too. They do look cute in the vase with the sunflowers too.

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