Spiritual Awakening Tools

Spiritual Awakening Tools

Many people hear spiritual awakening and think of one of two things; 1. It’s some crazy hippie new-age stuff. or 2. They are already religious or believe in a higher power so they are awakened. Both are understood to be completely false once you truly begin to move through your spiritual awakening.

Visions and Dreams When I think back and try to find the moment that my spiritual awakening began, I am taken back to my first miscarriage in 2016. I had dreams before the miscarriage and my baby girl was there. Then when I miscarried I was put under in the ER and tried to find my way to Heaven. I stopped breathing! At that time I was searching for my baby, trying to find Heaven. There were flowing colors of lava and I was calling out for my baby. Then I heard God tell me that she was ok and I needed to go back, it was not my time. I began breathing and woke up to a nurse on top of me beating my chest and yelling for me to breathe. It was extremely powerful. To an outsider, my body was just struggling, but the truth was very spiritual.

After the miscarriage, I had more dreams and even visions while awake. It was my baby girl and she was telling me she was ok and happy and Jesus was with her. I saw her playing and happy. I knew it was really her and I was at peace knowing she was ok and in Heaven. At this time, I was in a very abusive and unhappy marriage so my spiritual growth was greatly stunted by him. I would pray and he would laugh and tell me I never believed in God and it was all fake. The truth was I grew up in Christian and Catholic schools and I had always prayed and been a believer, he just wanted to hold me down.

Prayer to a Higher Power It wasn’t until 4 years later that he left and I began to really seek truth and understanding. Prayer is the only thing that got me through. Things began to make sense and magically work out. My prayers were being answered. Even when I felt alone and sad, I could feel the love of God and angel and even my ancestors around me and comforting me. I didn’t need a physical person to comfort me, I was taking care of myself, on my own…spiritually. The growth and peace that I was beginning to feel deep within were so intense and so real. I wanted more!

From that day forward, I kept pushing forward and watching doors open into new amazing places in my life. I stayed connected daily. I was mindful of my thoughts and feelings and I did all I could to understand them and work through them. I didn’t cave and fall into self-pity or blaming or anger. Miracles were happening in my life and I began to see that all the worry and overthinking that I had done all my life was just a conditioning of the world. Now that I was aware, I was reprogramming!

Hit Rock Bottom I look back and try to understand why or how was I able to do such a massive transformation within myself. Why couldn’t I have done it before? I was broken down to my core, feeling deep pain and regret. In that dark moment of my life, I knew I needed light. The more I thought about it, the more I read about it, the more I prayed, and the more I was thankful and appreciative for the little things. Even got a great parking spot at the mall and thanked God and the universe. Everything was so connected now. It was all just falling into place because I had been broken to my lowest and I had to dig myself out. I began to see my strength and everything positive in my life that was pushing me to a better place.

Counseling I look back now and realize that certain people were placed in my life during this time that now was my spiritual soul family. I had begun counseling before my ex left. In fact, we were going together but he was diagnosed with NPD and was advised that he would not change and I had to focus on myself. I stuck with this therapist and she helped me tremendously. She believed in me. She supported my spiritual insights and growth. She was a woman who was in touch with her spirituality and that helped support me in a way that I really needed.

EMDR We did EMDR and the things I dug out of my subconscious were amazing. I highly recommend EMDR. The more I connected with my inner being through EMDR, the more I loved myself and was able to work through these things even without EMDR. I was able to heal childhood wounds that I didn’t even realize I had. I knew I had a crapy childhood, but never understood the details and how it affected who I was now. My therapist was part of my spiritual soul family and it was no mistake she was placed in my life. In fact, her having seen my ex and I together in the past had made it easier for her to understand what I went through in my marriage. She saw who he truly was and she knew how that could have affected me. I feel so connected with her that I now look to her as a mother figure. She is in my life on purpose…the universe knew what I would need and it brought her to me.

Church/Spiritual Family I was taking my children to our family church every Sunday. Even though it was covid, we went to outdoor, in your car, services every week! I’m not a religious person but being surrounded by those who believed made me feel safer. The magical part of all this is that we found this church years earlier when our babysitter took the kids to church and later the kids said they liked it and wanted to go back. I noticed the address was 5225…my lucky number is 522. No matter how I looked at this, forwards or backward, it was 522 and I knew this was no mistake. It was a sign. The pastors at this church were amazing. They were normal down to earth people who just wanted to help others. Religion wasn’t shoved down our throats and help was there whenever we needed it. I actually even started to learn to ASK for help. I’ve always been one to handle things alone and not reach out. My kids all love it there and we felt a sense of acceptance and home. We still go there to this day.

Here is a quick look around my zen shed. (Sorry it is so messy, haven’t had much time to clean up)

The above things were all the foundation of my growth, so to speak. I also researched and utilized everything I could. I have always been a seeker of knowledge and this gave me something to focus my energy on. I was now learning more about spirituality and things in this world that could assist me.

Crystals I always saw a beauty in crystals and gems. I had collected them for years and had a beautiful zen shed full of them as well as areas of crystals all around the house. In fact, my older kids like to joke and say that when mom dies they are going to ask each other what they got and they are all going to say “I got a rock” lol. Anyways, now I am learning about the power in them and how they could assist me. When I am feeling a certain way, I research what crystal might be able to help and I keep it close. Now don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t like some magical power I felt in the crystals. In fact, I don’t think I ever really “felt” a power or light emanating from them, but I knew they were helping. Many people think that if things are helping, we will see some huge change and just know it is the crystal or whatever object we are focusing on. Nope, it’s more of an energy exchange that happens within and until we learn to connect and utilize our energies, we won’t fully understand this.

I like to place certain crystals in various places to remind me throughout my day of what it is I am focusing on. For instance, my spirit animals are a Deer and an Owl I have a Rose Quartz owl in my car that sits on my dash. Rose Quartz is good for love and so for me, when I drive I am reminded of my owl intuitiveness as well as letting the Rose Quartz guide me to self-love and even true soul love.

Aromatherapy Scent is so powerful when it comes to energies and moods. I love to use different scents to help me with my mood or symptoms. For instance, when I am stressed Rose always seems to calm my nerves. When I am going to bed, Lavender helps me to settle down and rest. I have tried many different methods of aromatherapy but have found that if I do not have the real item for natural use, such as lavender from my garden, then I like the essential oils in my oil burner.

My main collection of spiritual related and self-help books, located in my zen shed.

Books I began reading various books that supported spirituality and energies. I read authors like Carl Jung. I was finding the link between knowledge and spirituality. I felt like others understood what I was trying to understand and that encouraged me to seek more knowledge. I now have a huge library of books in my zen shed and I still refer to them as needed.

Subliminals I fell upon some writings in regard to the use of positive Subliminals for reaching the subconscious. I started listening to them at night when I was sleeping. The calming of them helped me fall asleep faster and I loved finding ones that were specific to what I was focusing on at the time. For instance, when I am focusing on my writing I will listen to one for writers and when I am working on letting go of something I listen to one about letting go. I can’t say for sure if they work, but they help calm me if nothing else. Plus, searching for the right one and remembering to play them at night helps keep me in tune on my current goal or situation so they definitely help to keep me focused.

Music I spend a lot of time in the car driving my kids all around so making sure I am feeding the right vibes into my mind is essential. I often listen to spiritual or Christian music as it is all very positive and uplifting. I do know this helps keep me in a positive space. If I get in the car stressed from getting the kids ready, after a song or two I am feeling at ease again.

Part of my collection of spiritual being statues and figurines in my zen shed.

Spiritual Beings I had been intrigued by other religions and deities. I still believed there was one higher Power and for me that was God, but I also knew that it couldn’t mean that everyone else was wrong. I learned what archangels, ascended masters, deities and other spiritual beings were helpful with and I began reaching out to them as needed. I wasn’t changing my religion or beliefs. I wasn’t turning away from God or his truth. I wasn’t worshiping other gods or evil. I was finding a level of truth in all religions and beliefs. I now understand that we all believe in what is right for ourselves and that didn’t make anyone more right than the other. God has given us so many other beings to assist us through our journey of life. So many people are busy claiming what is right and what is wrong that they aren’t seeing how everything could be helpful. Learning about these beings was insightful and in some strange way it had me looking within as I reflected on how they could assist me. If God created everything, then he created these beings as well and I was ready to accept whatever assistance they could provide. Ganesh is one of my favorites!

Something that I now look back on and realize is that the seeds for this were planted many years earlier. I had begun collecting things for my zen shed and I was learning about them on a surface level for a book I had been writing for 10 years. I couldn’t finish that book or go deeper because I was trapped in a toxic marriage and unable to see the light. Once I hit rock bottom, I could focus on the energies, thoughts and feelings that would naturally come to me as I read about these beings and learned more.

Affirmations & Mantras I began using powerful affirmations and mantras to get me through things that I was going through. I noticed a shift in how I was thinking and what I was focused on. I was reprograming my thoughts and erasing the programming I had been held down by all these years. I was believing in and loving myself more. My kids even enjoyed learning some short affirmations from time to time. I downloaded an app that sends me affirmations throughout the day and it really helped. I thought it would be annoying or just more things to deal with on my phone, but the reality was that I was being reminded of the path I was on. It helped keep me focused on my healing and becoming a better person.

Chakras I never really understood chakras and thought it was just some strange yoga thing. Now, I was free of worldly programming and I was learning more. As I researched and learned more, I began to see true correlations between things I was going through or feeling and the 7 chakras. I could use colors, mantras, and stones to heal my chakras and therefore heal myself a little more. I was becoming more in tune with my physical self through the chakras.

Astrology We’ve all read our horoscope at some point but do we understand the link it has with our energies, thoughts, and actions? I started to listen to spiritual type video on YouTube and TedTalks because I was hearing spiritual language. I was learning more about spirituality by the lingo that they used. When I heard something that caught my attention, I would write it down and research it. I began to see that astrology is not really about predicting the future or any of that crazy psychic stuff people think. It was about understanding the energies of the world and the universe and how that might be affecting me. I was learning to tune in more to my energetic field and seeing how that could be affecting my current state.

I began having full moon ceremonies where I would pray to God and set my intentions for my life. I could write out things that held me back and burn them under the full moon to release them from having control over me. I wasn’t praying to the mood, but rather using the moon’s energy to help me better connect with myself, God, and my spiritual growth. My first full moon I wanted to manifest a connection with a specific man. As I finished my prayers under the moon, I went to take a shower and rinse off any old energies. Just as I got out of the shower….literally JUST as I got out, he texted and asked to see me. We had a beautiful time together and I felt a deeper soul connection. I really believe that the more we stand firm in what we want, who we want to be, and how we feel…the stronger the outcome could be.

Yoga I have always been interested in yoga but never really took much time to go below the surface of it. I would do the yoga and feel more stretched and at ease, but always felt like something was missing. It was. I wasn’t using spirituality to connect while in yoga. Now that I had begun to see all the connections of our universe, I could engage in yoga and feel a much deeper connection to myself, the earth and spirituality. I was open and therefore I could receive. Yoga was no longer just a physical exercise that people say eases stress. It was not a spiritual practice that added another level of growth in my life. In fact, I am now enrolled in the 200-hour yoga teacher training. I didn’t enroll to be an instructor so to speak, but to go deeper in my experience. My kids even love to hang out and do a little yoga with me. I guess you could say I am planting seeds for their spiritual awakening and growth.

Meditation I have always had a difficult time meditating but I knew this was something that could help me. I tried more and more and eventually realized that what I needed to do was not try and to just surrender and let it be. This changed everything for me. I could meditate and hear messages. I could meditate and find an inner peace. I could meditate and regrind myself after a harsh connection with an unhealed person. I even found that short guided meditations were better than not meditating at all. I was refining the skill of mental surrender and every little session made a difference.

Showers Yes, you read that right…showers! I began to take showers whenever I felt myself overcome by negative energy. If I had to see my ex or even talk to him, I would take a shower after and rinse his toxic energy off of my energy. It healed me in a way that I cannot explain. Further down my spiritual awakening, I had been confronted with an in-person meeting with my ex and he brought the latest girlfriend to intimidate me. Unfortunately for him, I was already so grounded in my spirituality that it didn’t affect my earthly emotions or being. I was indifferent. However, I still felt a clingy sticky yucky energy on me. When I got home, I took a shower. As I was showering and intentionally telling myself that his toxic energies could not be with me, I looked down at the drain. I noticed the water had a red tinge to it. I thought I was seeing things so I rinsed my eyes in the water and focused again on the drain. The water was still with a slightly red coloring. It was so clear that I actually thought I had started my period weeks early. I didn’t. I was able to actually see his evil energy wash away. It was amazing! I had truly found an effective way of removing others’ energy from my energy.

Nature and Animals I have always been one who felt a deep connection with nature and animals. I credit that to my father who taught me since I was a sprout that everything living has true life. He used to tell me how he would look animals in the eyes and communicate with them. I remember a time when I was around 20 years old, my son had a pet snake. Yes, a snake! One night it got out and I had to find him and get him back in his cage. When I found him he had a large wound on him from our cat trying to use him as a chew toy. I placed him on the counter in the bathroom, looked him in the eyes and I could feel his pain. I could feel him asking me to help him. I found some anti-bacterial cream and after gently washing the wound, I applied the cream. He was so calm. He left me to do what I needed and never tried to get away. He understood that I was helping him. We connected. (and I have never been a fan of snakes)

My father had planted the seed of nature and animals since I was a young child and now that I was walking down my spiritual path to awakening, I began to use those seeds to grow a healing connection with the natural world around us. I began taking day trips to the mountains to just sit and think. I would cry, pray, scream and beg for help. As time went on, I found that my focus was shifting and I was thanking God and the universe when I was in nature. I was seeing the true beauty. The life in everything. I could feel the loving energies from the trees, the lakes, and the birds flying by. I found myself seeking a deeper meaning for things I was seeing and feeling and it always seemed to click and fall into place. I was open to the experience and that welcomed it into my life. I was connecting to the natural healing that God has given us.

Journaling I remember as a teenager how I would write in my diary and how much writing seemed to heal me. People always told me that journaling helped release things from our mind but I never truly understood until I began my spiritual awakening. Now when I write in it I just surrender to the paper and pen and the things that I write become a release of deeper things I may not have really seen or understood. It is sort of like doing a research paper and finding information that you didn’t expect to find but that connects more of the puzzle pieces. It also became a tool for release for me. I didn’t have to hold on to thoughts or emotions. I could release them through my journaling and no longer feel a heavy weight from them. During my spiritual awakening, I found myself alone, most people seemed to just disappear from my life. I realize that I didn’t need friends or family to talk to about things, I could talk to my journal and feel the same release. Not to mention it was much safer because I was guaranteed not to be judged or held down by another’s negative thoughts or reactions. I was in charge of my healing and I found a way to strengthen my skills to listen to myself.

There are so many other aspects and things that have helped me through my spiritual awakening. I do not know exactly how it was all just falling into place, but the puzzle was coming together and the path was so much clearer. I do not rely on any one thing. I try to utilize all things that are here for our healing. Any one thing might not be enough and since I couldn’t see true miracles with individual ones, I knew that I needed to fully immerse myself into the spiritual world and stay focused. Surrounding myself with all these spiritual tools helped me stay focused and manifest a greater understanding of the universe and myself. Think of it this way, when you want to lose weight you get better results with a healthier diet as well as exercise. When you are in school you learn more when you listen to the lectures and read the text. The key was learning to utilize all the tools that are here for us.

We need to be able to share with each other and not criticize or label people for their spiritual beliefs. What works for some, might not work for others but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Respect others on their journey and embrace the oneness we all have, no matter how different we are.

**What tools have you found helpful in your spiritual awakening journey?

Love, Light, and Blessings


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