Survival for Mom’s Taxi

Survival for Mom’s Taxi

Being a mom of 8 I am always in the car driving the kids somewhere. Don’t believe me…

School Drop off and Pick up at 3 different schools each day
Girl Scouts – 1 x a week
Boy Scouts – 1 x a week
Physical Therapy for Daughter – 1 x a week
Speech Therapy for Son – 1 x a week
Civil Air Patrol – 1 x a week
Dance for both daughters – 3 x a week
Baseball – 4 x a week
Not to mention all the various doctors, dentist and ortho appointments.

So, yes…we are always in the car. At first I found myself feeling a little bitter that I was always doing for them and their activities. Doing all this running around left me little time to do activities for myself. I didn’t mind doing for my children, but I was getting burn out quick. I started to think of things I could do to pass the time and make the constant driving more budget friendly. Here are just a few things that helped me:

Water – Stay Hydrated. Having water with you will also help keep you from the temptation of stopping somewhere to get a drink, which will most likely be unhealthy, such as Starbucks. I like to add lemon, mint and a piece of ginger to my water but do whatever will help keep you drinking that water while driving all around. *Tip: Don’t forget to use the restroom at the various places you are taking your children. With drinking water all day, you will have to use the restroom often.

Healthy Snacks – Take some healthy snacks along for the ride just in case you get hungry. Again, you want to plan ahead to avoid stopping at fast food places. I like to keep nuts and veggies. The easiest and cheapest is to buy regular size and fill some small zip lock bags. Another idea that has worked for me is keeping a little plastic tub in the back of the car with various snacks for the kids as well since they are likely to get hungry and whiny.

Music – This is a given! My kids like to play music that they enjoy but also make sure to rotate in some of my own music. Mama has to be happy as well and they understand that I should be able to hear some of my music. I also like to listen to podcasts when I am sitting in the car waiting for a child to get out of an appointment that I do not go in for, such as speech therapy. Might as well learn a little while waiting.

Note Pad – I am always having random thoughts of things I need to do when I get home or back to the office. I know I wont remember and so having a small notepad and pen handy helps me to jot them down as they pop into my head. This helps take the off additional stress of having to remember what I needs to do, let alone do it.

Hobby – Bring along something to do that you enjoy. Many times I am siting there just watching and waiting. It is nice to have something to do as well. Then the time is also a little me time and things are getting done. For me, it is writing. I love to write so I have learned to use my phone’s notepad to write. Thoughts that come up, I extend on by writing. Then later I can even transfer to my computer and post or add to my blog. Again, getting things done and finding ways to fill my time so I don’t get bored. I’ve seen some mom’s doing crochet while waiting. Sadly, I see many moms on their phones surfing social media so I really think having something productive to do it a must.

Car Aromatherapy – Having a car that smells good definetely helps. I personally like lavender due to it helping to calm, but you can go with whatever you enjoy.

Gas – Plan ahead on your fuel levels. Know the spots that are cheapest or your favorite and plan around your schedule to be sure you always have gas before running the kids around. The worst is being almost on empty and stressing to get to the gas station I like to having to settle for a really expensive station. I also keep track on my back account of my gas purchases so I can keep track of how much I spend on gas each month. This helps to budget in that extra expense when deciding on new activities for the children. Also, when I am at a gas station, I will have the kids collect any of their random trash in the car and dispose of it in the station cans. This helps keep the car somewhat clean. *I also have the kids all pitch in and clean the car on the weekends or off days. They use the car, they should help keep it clean. *Tip: save the receipts and have the kids calculate how many miles to their activity and how much we spend in gas for each. Keeps them busy and learning.

Self-Care – I make sure to find time for myself at nights when we are home. After the kids are all down I will do me. It may be a longer shower than usual or watching a movie on the couch without kids yelling everywhere. I also enjoy a little yoga and meditation to quiet my mind and relax my body. Whatever works for you, make it a priority in the evenings. You will be less likely to feel overworked, stress, drained, or even bitter.

Teach the children – I like to instill goo character traits in them as we are driving around. One big things I teach them is to support each other in their activities that mom is running them all around to. Often times I cannot leave the kids home and have to take everyone even if it is only one child’s activity. They, of course, complain that they don’t want to go. I usually have them bring something small to do in the car. I also like to teach them that we have to support each other in our activities. They can all go support their brother in his baseball and he and the others can go support their sisters at dance. They are learning to take time for others and how important those we love are.

I hope this has helped a little. If you have any tips that work for you, please feel free to share in the comments below.


15 thoughts on “Survival for Mom’s Taxi”

  • Oh my! I can’t imagine being a ‘taxi’ for 8 children. Sounds like you have figured out a great way to make it a bit easier on yourself!

  • I love the idea of keeping a notebook in the car. I have started keeping one with me all the time for those random thoughts. I also bring my kindle to read when I’m waiting in the car rider line for one of my boys after their school clubs.

  • I am never ever going to complain! I only have 1 child and taking him to his extracurricular activities and other necessary appointments was driving me batty. But no more. You are doing such a great job and I agree with the things you have said. I usually bring a book with me so that I can read while waiting. Music for us is a given as well because my son loves it and I like to belch out the songs when I am alone in the car! Water is something I should start bringing with me more often. I do well at home staying hydrated but not when I am out and about. I need to be better about that!


  • Snacks are always good to have when in a car with kids, especially for long trips. I will definitely try to bring more of the kid’s hobbies.

  • It’s hard being in a taxi with kids who are hungry so definitely bring some healthy snacks! Great tips here.

  • Wow wow wow! I can’t even imagine how much time you must spend in the car. It sounds like you use the waiting time as self care time as well to focus on writing or meditating or listening to a podcast so that’s a silver lining at least!

  • How do you find time for anything!? Self-care must be very hard to come by but you seem to be nailing it! Keeping a notebook on hand is a great way to not only write down things to remember but also anything you need to get off your chest- I do it too and I’m very rarely in my car.

  • Water and notebook is something that is really important. I really enjoy reading this post! Thanks for sharing this with us

  • Oh my gosh, that is a lot of work for you but all I can say is that you are doing an amazing job raising your kids. I salute you for that, mama!

  • These are such great tips! I always like to get some reading and meditating into my day when I’m waiting around. It’s important to utilize extra time like this for both getting things accomplished and relaxing. I also take advantage of my notepad while I sit and wait.

  • Oh wow, that is a busy schedule. I don’t think I’d be able to cope that is a lot of running around and must be exhausting. Having snacks with you is always important as kids always seem to be hungry.

  • Yes you sure are driving a lot. Need to be prepared to it runs smoothly for sure!!! Especially with snacks.

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