Vibration & Energy

Vibration & Energy

“Nothing rests; everything moves, everything vibrates.” -The Kyballon

I protect my energy every day. I’m not just talking about my physical energy to do things. I’m taking about my spirit energy. We are all made up of particles that are in constant motion, thus creating our energy and vibration. Depending on what frequency we are vibrating at, we are either a high vibration or a low vibration. Our vibration frequency is affected by our state of mind, thoughts and actions. That vibration emits out our energy into the world, either high or low. We have full control of what frequency we are vibrating at and whether our energy is positive or negative. Our emotions, hidden and expressed, directly affect our energy and vibration level.

Emotion = E + motion / Energy in Motion

If we are stuck in a low frequency vibration, we likely give off a heavier, more dense energy. Things that lower our vibration and energy are depression, anger, self-pity, jealousy, guilt, negative thoughts, even unhealthy eating habits. To vibrate at a high frequency and emit a more gentle, clear energy things such as joy, happiness, gratitude, love, and passion are beneficial. The energy we give off is like a magnet for the energy we will attract.

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” -Abraham Hicks

To attract positive things, we must have a positive energy, a high vibrational frequency. If we are vibrating at a low frequency, we will continue to attract low, negative things. This is why sometimes when something is going wrong, we start to feel like everything is going wrong. It’s the energy we are putting out there simply coming back to us due to magnetism. It is a part of us, whether we are aware of it or not. Being aware of our energy and protecting it is as important as protecting ourselves from physical accidents and pain.

Since we all give off energy, we can feel others’ energy. Have you ever heard the saying, “trust the vibe you get from people, energy doesn’t lie”? If you are in a room with someone who is on a low vibration you will feel the sense of being uneasy or simply not want to be there. This is not just some thought in your head or judgements being made. You are feeling their energy. If you are with someone and you feel calm, happy, and comfortable, they are on a higher vibration and giving a lighter energy.

I have had multiple experiences with this that might help you to understand feeling energy at a deeper level.

One night I was out to dinner with, at the time, my husband. We were having a “discussion” and he was being extremely mean, rude, demeaning and just plain negative with me. It was so hurtful that I was almost in tears. During his talk to me, I noticed the man sitting in the booth directly behind him turn and look at my ex-husband. I assumed he had heard everything and was disgusted by how my ex was being with me. Then, my ex-husband got up and walked out of the restaurant and just left me sitting there alone to finish eating and pay. I paid and got up to go meet him in the car but felt a desire to ask the man if what he heard really was my ex being mean. (He is a narcissist and had often told me I was crazy or he wasn’t mean so in a way I was trying to figure out my own reality through someone else. Crazy, but totally normal for victims of narcissists.) The man looked up at me and assured me that he was not listening to our conversation. He went on to tell me that he could feel a really heavy and ugly energy coming from behind him and he was looking to see what it was. Yep, my ex-husband. He was in a low vibrational frequency and giving off a very ugly energy that even strangers could feel.

Courtesy of The Age of Enlightenment

Another time that energy was evident in my life, yet I didn’t notice it at the time, was when I went to a graduation for my ex-husband’s “Men’s Weekend” in the Sterling Institute. Let me stop and say, this group has been researched and found to be like a cult and very negatively brainwashing to people who go to their weekends and meetings. Anyways, I arrived about an hour early and was told to wait in a holding room just outside of where the men were finishing their weekend. Many people were waiting in there but they all seemed “normal” and just hanging out. I tried to sit down but quickly felt a very heavy energy come over me. I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to cry. In fact, it was so bad that I had to leave and go outside to my car so that I could cry. I had no idea why or what I was feeling. However, weeks later I discovered that during that last hours of their weekend, the 100+ men were in that room next door, naked and mocking those who would not get naked. They were ending their weekend by claiming their masculinity and dancing around naked together. Yuck! Yeah, so I was definitely feeling that low vibrational energy coming from the room.

A more positive experience with energy is when I visit my dear friend who is highly spiritual and definitely vibrates at a high frequency almost constantly. The second I walk into his home, I feel at peace. I feel happy and complete. In fact, when I have slept in his house, I have had some of the best nights sleep ever. I feel his positive energy and absorb it, making my energy also vibrate at a high frequency.

Once you are able to move beyond the constraining thoughts that limit you, you are able to surrender and accept that we are all co-creators with each other through means of vibration. If we all vibrated at a high frequency and had a light, loving energy, so much negative that exists now would be gone. When you raise your vibration you also raise the vibration of those around you and even of all living things. We truly are all connected.

We are all energy and sharing our energy with someone else means we are giving some of ours while also absorbing some of theirs. Another saying you might have heard is, “you become who you spend your time with.” If you are out to dinner with some friends who are all complaining about their day and not happy about their life, you will find yourself also starting to look at the lows in your life rather than being grateful for another day. You are absorbing their energy without even knowing it and meeting them at their frequency. The opposite is true as well. If you are with friends who are happy, talking about great things happening in their lives and sharing in each other’s happiness, you will walk out of there feeling happy and grateful. 

This all seems so simple, right? Well, sadly most of society is asleep and unaware of energy and the power we have over our own energy. There are also people who are extra sensitive to energy and very much aware, they are called empaths. I am an empath and find it difficult to be in crowded places due to all the energies I feel and absorb. I used to think I was just shy, but as I went through my spiritual awakening I came to identify a lot of things, my being an empath was one. It’s difficult for me because I look around and see a society that is so detached. There is no connection anymore, other than Wi-Fi connection. It’s truly sad and it makes me sad in my soul to know that so many are struggling and suffering when they can change that energy all on their own.

We are all so unaware of our own energy let alone others. Quantity is more important than quality. Likes and comments are more important than hugs and true conversations. Essentially, we are trying to control our energy with things that actually only lower it. Spending hours scrolling through social media depletes our energy and causes us to vibrate at a lower frequency. I recently removed tons of people from my social media; people I didn’t know or have no reason to need to connect with anymore. It felt good. Now when I go onto social media there isn’t much to scroll through and what I do see is those who actually mean something in my life. Having less to scroll also helps keep me from falling into the pit of unknown lengthy senseless scrolling. Instead, my time is spent on doing things that actually raise my vibration and emits a positive energy to therefore also attract more positive.

Dating is another area where people seem blind to energy. It is all about meeting multiple people, sort of getting to know them, sleep with them and move on to the next. Call me crazy, but I can’t do that. They are collecting parts of others’ energy that could be low and negative. I’d rather be single. I’ve tried dating a few times recently and being able to really feel the other person’s energy has helped me navigate who to continue a connection with and who to move on from. The the idea of opening my world, my energy to someone that I don’t know…it’s hard. I don’t even let a lot of friends in my life for this reason. I’ve always gone by the saying, “4 quarters are better than 100 pennies.” A huge part of this mentality is the sensing and feeling of people’s energy.

Once we begin to learn the control we have to raise our vibration, then we will have a deeper understanding of ourselves, what we have to offer creation and what we want for ourselves. Having a deeper understanding of vibration and energy will help you to see how the vibration and energy of others may not align with you and you are better off letting them go. The opposite is true as well, you will begin to see those who radiate the same energy and vibrate on the same level and you will be magnetized to each other. So many people not being aware of their vibration and energy could be a leading reason that people today go from one partner to another and why divorce is so high. We fail to see and feel the true energies and can’t make an aware decision based on our own value and vibration.

Your energy is yours, and nobody else’s. Do not allow other’s energy pull you away from your own. If something doesn’t feel right, listen to that intuition that is quite simply a response from your vibration frequency. Energy is real and once you slow down and really live in the moment to be more aware of this, you will be able to vibrate at a higher frequency due to your ability to surrender to your true authentic self.

Happy Vibing!

23 thoughts on “Vibration & Energy”

  • Such an interesting article about our internal energies. I take such good care of my body I often forget to take care of my mental health and understand how my mind reacts.

  • I love that you touched on vibrations within our emotions. People don’t realize how important emotions play a role in our lives and what we attract. Powerful post!

  • I know the feeling you’re talking about, especially walking into a room and feeling the negative energy. But, same as you, I’ve also felt that positive energy before and it’s so empowering and heart-lifting.

  • Oh I’m so intrigued by this concept! I just started learning about this and it’s such an interesting concept. You can totally feel the energy of a space and I would love to learn how to change the vibrations I put out into a room!

  • This is a great post! And it is true, I was friends with someone for a long time even though I knew their “vibration” was off. I will never make that mistake again! It is so true, vibes don’t lie!

  • This is an interesting read and yes, I agree with you about trusting the vibes that we get from people.

    Thank you for sharing these tips and for reminding us to trust our gut and learn to give our energy to the right people.

  • I love this post. I am a spiritual person and always love reading how others see the energy and vibrations. This is so spot on with my thoughts on it all.

  • 5 stars
    You explained this so well. Made this concept very easy to understand and in a way that can be applied to every day life. Thanks

  • Beautiful! I wish more people could see this part of our world. We all be living in love and peace together. Keep sharing your light, it is being received.

  • 5 stars
    Great Insight. I have always had an interest and curiosity in energy but your way of explaining it really helped me understand it more.

  • Everything in life is energy. I love reading about how others see and view energy and vibration. We all need to wake up and see this said of life and make things so much easier for us all.

  • Beautiful way of looking at things. I think more people need to see this side of life and energy.

  • 5 stars
    Great post. I love all this talk about energy. Everything is energy. We have known this for centuries but society ignores it.

  • This is a critical eye opener of who and what we are. So many people need to wake up to their own enery, take control of it and make a good life and world happen.

  • 5 stars
    Beautifully written article. Very inspiring to pay more attention to my energy and vibration output as well as what others are giving off.

  • 5 stars
    Great article and so true about our energy and vibrations. You helped me understand much more. Thanks for writing.

  • You are a great writer. I love your insight and take on things. You are inspiring and a great spiritual leader.

  • 5 stars
    I wish more people could see their own vibrations and energy and be responsible for what they put out into the world. We would live on a much healthier and happier planet.

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